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10 Most Frequently Asked Questions in Recruitment – Answered

The 10 most frequently asked questions in recruitment are: 

  • How Do I Get Applications?
  • How Do I Get Qualified People to Apply for My Job Openings?
  • How Should I Start Digitalizing Our Recruitment Process?
  • How to Recruit Cost-Efficiently?
  • Why Not Work with a Headhunter Directly?
  • What Documents Should I Ask for When Recruiting?
  • What Kind of Recruitment Process Should I Have to Recruit Successfully?
  • Why Should Recruitment Be Everybody's Concern?
  • How Do I Hire in a Sector That Has Too Few Qualified People?
  • Why Should I Think About the Employer Image?

Let's get some answers!

#1 How Do I Get Applications?

People don't hang out in job boards, so only a fraction of even the unemployed can be reached there. The problem with job boards is that they'll have many other similar jobs right next to your own ad, so your potential candidate might be interested in your competitor instead. You can read more about the problems of the traditional recruitment process here.

In a candidate-driven recruitment process, people can bypass the cumbersome application process and complete it in 3 minutes.

Rather than using job boards, search your candidates from where they are spending their time anyway: on social media.  A well-targeted marketing effort plays an important part in letting your target group know about your new job openings. Read more about recruitment marketing here. 

Make your recruitment process as mobile-friendly as possible. Most of us are using our cell phones in our daily lives, and anything that requires a laptop becomes an obstacle. It might come as a bit of a shock, but this applies to the documents that are being asked in the recruitment process as well. It might seem self-evident to ask for a resume, but have you ever tried to update yours using your cell phone? 

#2 How Do I Get Qualified People to Apply for My Job Openings?

Digitalization, demographic change, and changing working lives mean that the labor market no longer has a pool of qualified people, as almost all jobs increasingly require specific skills and know-how. This means that the person you would want to employ is most likely already working somewhere else and therefore unlikely to look for a new job. The times when employers could sit and wait for candidates to appear are over. The sooner employers realize this, the better. 

People looking at their cell phones.

To reach people who are not looking for a job, the best way is to use targeted marketing. Measure your results and improve your communication to get people to be interested. Once you'll get their interest make sure you don't guide the potential talent to a job board. By doing that you'll expose them to the risk of applying somewhere else. 

People today are impatient. If your recruitment process requires unnecessary effort, a computer, and too many documents, your chances of getting people to apply for your job openings are significantly reduced. This is even more self-evident with people, who are not actively looking for a job. So, make things fast and easy. In a candidate-driven recruitment process, people can bypass the cumbersome application process and complete it in 3 minutes. 

#3 How Should I Start Digitalizing Our Recruitment Process?

Digitalization can feel overwhelming at first.  First, make your recruitment process mobile-friendly.

From the recruiters' point of view, use software that is designed for digital, candidate-driven recruitment. That way you don't need to try to find ways to adjust different processes or software to fit a more candidate-driven experience. The best software is easy to use, measures everything, and gives the recruiters a good overview with one click. If you don't have the software to cover these needs, you can get one free from here

#4 How to Recruit Cost-Efficiently?

Hiring an unsuitable employee will cost the recruiter her or his own time during the recruitment process and after the mismatched hire.  The cheapest way to recruit in the long run is to recruit a person that matches the skillset and fits in with the company culture.  

Many recruiters are unaware of the costs of lengthy recruitment processes. These costs are often treated as a compulsory expense of recruitment by HR managers and company management because they feel there is no better solution.  The tools to measure different stages of the process are lagging. The best way to save money in recruitment is to measure every phase of the recruitment process. That allows the recruiter to keep tabs on expenses. The possibilities to save money on recruitment costs are great.

A recruiter meets a consultant.

If companies are unable to develop a recruitment process, they can benefit from a recruitment consultant. The recruitment consultant will streamline the whole recruitment process so that the company can handle the recruitment successfully internally in the future. You can read here more about different types of recruitment consultants.

#5 Why Not Work with a Headhunter Directly?

A headhunter is often seen as the only option to getting the right talent in a short amount of time. The problem with headhunters is that they are pricey, which is not sustainable for many employers in the long run. 

A digital headhunter makes it possible to recruit passive and active candidates. The recruiter has access to a far larger pool of qualified people.

A digital headhunting service is challenging the traditional ways to recruit. It uses the benefits of digitalization and AI to reach and manage high-quality candidates and has a wholesome candidate-driven recruitment process to support the best outcome. Due to its ability to do most of the time-consuming manual search work digitally, a candidate-driven digital headhunting service is fast, effective, and far reasonable in its price compared to traditional methods of recruiting. Since digital headhunting makes it possible to recruit passive and active candidates, the recruiter has access to a larger pool of qualified people than the traditional ways of recruiting.

#6 What Documents Should I Ask For When Recruiting?

Remove all obstacles for the candidates in the recruitment process.  Most qualified people are already working elsewhere.  They are not looking to fill out a job application. Does your recruitment process require candidates to register on your career site? Does your recruitment process require candidates to upload a resume and fill out an application form? 

As radical as it may sound, this process is outdated. Nobody wants to use their cell phone to fill out all the necessary information. If you don't know how to do this in practical terms, you can ask for help from here.

#7 What Kind of Recruitment Process Should I Have to Recruit Successfully?

A good recruitment process today is a fast, smooth, candidate-driven process that allows the candidate and the recruiter to communicate directly with each other and discuss relevant issues. This enables a level of communication where both parties can express their wishes and concerns. 

The recruitment process is seamless and easy to manage. It saves the recruiters' time, helps prioritize issues, and prevents losing qualified candidates because there are too many people handling the process. 

Two women measuring results.

In a smooth recruitment process, every step is measured. This helps the recruiter focus their efforts on improving the process.  It gives the recruiters up-to-date information and enables them to change and optimize things that are not working during the recruitment process.  

All candidates are contacted in a transparent and timely manner, regardless of whether they are given the job opportunity or not. It helps the company to establish a good first impression.

#8 Why Should Recruitment Be Everybody's Concern?

It goes without saying that, from a strategic point of view, it is crucial to hire qualified employees who fit the company culture. This, more than anything else, is what enables success and growth.  In other words, poor hiring quickly becomes costly and a major obstacle to success.  

As a result, its costs are not measured and are easily seen as unavoidable. This allows recruitment to continue inefficiently and with outdated methods.

Despite its strategic importance, recruitment often receives surprisingly little attention from company management. This is often because recruitment is considered as a kind of black hole. It is difficult to measure, and it is difficult to see what steps are being taken to improve it and whether the measures taken are having an impact on results. As a result, its costs are not measured and are easily seen as unavoidable. This allows recruitment to continue inefficiently and with outdated methods.

Due to the changing demographic structure of society and digitalization, traditional methods will no longer work.   It is already evident that those companies that adapt their recruitment to the new labor market situation are doing better than their competitors. They will gain an advantage in a difficult situation.

68% of employees think that the recruitment process reflects the way the employer treats its people. In other words, the recruitment process offers an invaluable moment to impress candidates. Recruitment plays an important role in terms of employer image for those coming from outside the company. It is up to companies to decide what kind of image they want to leave candidates with.

#9 How Do I Hire in a Sector That Has Less Qualified People?

To hire successfully in a sector with less qualified people than job openings you'll need to use a recruitment process that allows you to hire both active and passive candidates. This will make the pool of suitable candidates much larger and often also more qualified. 

Active candidates are looking for new jobs.  Passive candidates are not actively seeking new opportunities. However, this does not mean that they would not be interested in a suitable offer. 

Passive candidates are targeted by headhunters and digital headhunting services.  A headhunter is usually chosen to hand-pick high-level positions. They often do find a match but the price for their service is high, and the employer doesn't get to speak to the candidates in the early stages. 

They stop thinking about the job and start thinking about which company would best match their values.

A digital headhunting service uses digital tools to reach a wide range of people in a cost-efficient way. It is especially suitable for frequent hirings and has currently worked well in sectors like healthcare and web design.  Only 3 minutes is enough for the candidate to do their part, the rest is up to the recruiter. If you are interested in candidate-driven recruitment, see here for more.

#10 Why Should I Think About the Employer Image?

When companies compete for the same talent, they must stand out.  Candidates usually visit company websites and social media forums to learn more about companies they may be interested in.  If they see the same job openings on different sites, they have the flexibility to choose the company that would best match their values. 

A good employer image can give a company a positive outlook for when candidates decide whether they will be accepting a position.  A question many candidates ask after a promising recruitment process is whether you are also able to retain talent.


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