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Henri Nordström, CEO, Jobilla

How to Reach Potential Candidates

Reaching potential candidates can sound easy in the ear of an inexperienced recruiter: placing a job ad in the newspaper or job portal is no big deal – that's it and thanks to the broad visibility there are more than enough interested parties. The employer's only task is to select the most capable from the group of excellent candidates.

Ten years ago, this situation may have been possible in terms of employee recruitment, but within just a few years, the situation has changed dramatically.

According to the annual study on working life published by the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, only 15% of working people are actively looking for a new job themselves. For their part, 52% might consider changing jobs if a suitable opportunity arose. According to various studies in the recruiting market, it seems that the figures are valid not only throughout Europe, but also worldwide. The company that succeeds in addressing this target group can find the best applicants.

Technology Has Changed the World

Nowadays, marketing can put any product or service in the focus of the target group and the same means can be used in the recruitment process. You are most likely to meet a potential candidate where they spend most of their time.

One of the most effective social media channels is, of course, Facebook, which has solidified its position in recent years. With the information it collects about its users, it provides the basis for bringing together job ads and suitable people. Advertising can currently be targeted, for example, by personal background, areas of interest, and area of residence. These tools can also be used to reach applicants who are not actively searching on job portals themselves, but are open to new job opportunities.

Besides Facebook, other social media and Google also allow targeted acquisition. You can reach the entire target group if you use several major channels at the same time.

It has been proven that the Facebook, Instagram and Google advertising networks reach 92% of Internet users every day.

Simply Reaching the Target Audience Is Not Enough

Among recruiting professionals, targeted advertising is already a given. However, some find that they are not meeting their target group even though they have reached the target audience.

In recruitment, exactly the same laws apply as in any other marketing: reaching potential prospects does not yet mean having sold a single product, i.e. having recruited a single employee.

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